What is a financial bullet journals??

Financial bullet journals are very benificial for the people who have financial issues , or the people who saves  his/her money to buy something e.t.c It will be a reminder to you that you are over going your budget. The most important thing is how you orginize it to help you with you financial expenses and it will keep you in order to stay on track with your budget and financial goals.

* You can also create it unique and show you creativity.

*Or you can make it simple.

There are three types of finacial bullet journals

There are three types of most common financial bullet journals mentioned here.....

1#   Office/School financial bullet journals

Office / School  financial bullet journals are one of the most common financial bullet journal it is very important for a company who have financial issues or are not going in their budgets or the companies who are saving to make more money and be more renew their offices, furniture e.t.c financial bullet journal help them to reach their goals and always be on financial budget track. As well as bullet journal can be very benificial for schools who wanted to be on their budget track and not go out of their budgets or the schools who wanted to always be on their financisl track and with their savings they can renewal their school.

2# Your personal financial bullet journals

Your personal financial bullet jounal can be very benificial & can help you to be on you budget track and goals. It will help you to save your money by many ways. Personal financial bullet journals can be helpfull for the person who wants to save money and spend it carefully not over going budget and with the money which is save you can easily save some of it and with the left you can buy whatever you were looking  forward to. Or the person who have financial problems and wants to orginize every expenses and save money.

3#  Home fianancial bullet journals

There are many home expenses especially with childerens it is very challanging for the working parents to keep going on their financial track as their lifes are very busy and they are very stressful about their budgets. Financial bullet journal can help out with their problems. Or the parents who are over their budget and wants to orginize their all expences and save money to buy things which they need but because of over going budget they can not afford.


To create your own financial bullet journal all you need is a notebook and a pen and follow these instructions it will help you alot to create your own financial bullet journal.

              write you income its optional or you can keep in mind.

         write your goal of saving money so when you will open your page or whan you will be going to over budget it will be a reminder to stop because of your goal. It can be shopping buying something for you house, gifts , birthdays, vications e.t.c

             Its very important to write your budget on your expenses when you write a expence just make a box beside it and write your limited budget which means you can not go above the amount you need to just follow the amount written which is final.

          This means write down your monthly expenses example : bills , school fees e.t.c and write down the fix amount next to it and if you are increasing more thing do not get stressful about it the money saves by a month with extra saving you can add to your incrasing expenses list.

                   As mentioned above you can adjust your monthly increasing expenses by adding your extra monthly saving example You dont have many expenses in a month so you have save extra amount so you cam easily adjust it with your increasing monthly expenses. It will not effect your goals of buying somthing  because it is a bonus amount of money saved.


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